Sunday, February 22, 2009

Winter Jenna

Jenna has gotten her share of cold weather this month... here she is bundled up in her stroller for a walk with mommy:

Then, on February 16, it hailed pretty furiously for about 5 minutes:

We took Jenna to the mountains! Here are pics from our trip to Big Bear on February 19-21.

Here's a picture of mommy tearing it up at Snow Summit.

-- jay.

1 comment:

jujubunny77 said...

the blanket that jenna is bundled with in the stroller matches the background on her blog. that's some fancy coordination going on there. =)


sweet that jenna got to see her first snow! how wonderful. i love it when parents expose their child(ren) to the things that make life beautiful without over-analyzing whether or not the child(ren) are too young to retain these experiences. it would likely AMAAAAZE us all, what the human brain is capable of REALLY absorbing, even at that early age. i remember A LOT from WAY "TOO" YOUNG. =) i am grateful that my parents were like j & j.