Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jenna's 4 Months Now!

Still so cute!

After her 4th month wellness checkup on March 30, she slept for 10 ½ hours that night. Then 5 ½ hours the next night, and so far she’s been sleeping at least 7-8 hours each night (woohoo!).

She is starting to prefer sitting up instead of being on her back. Her favorite thing to do right now are baby sit ups. I also introduced her to her jumperoo (thanks Auntie Cynthia and Uncle Al!). She is slowly enjoying the jumperoo. She drools all over it and she can only spin counter clockwise.

Her smile continues to melt my heart. She’s still very happy in the morning :) I think a laugh from her is coming soon. She still smiles with her mouth wide open but sometimes you’ll hear a “ga—“with her smile. She likes being tickled and kisses on her belly. She loves it when you make funny faces and weird noise. Thank goodness Jenna and I are alone most of the time cuz I do some silly moves to make her smile. She’s getting pretty good at grasping a big chunk of my hair. She enjoys grabbing my cheeks and pulling my lips. She's definitely getting a little more playful.


Kathy said...

Jenna is absolutely beautiful! Such a girly girl...I'm so glad that you and Jay are able to get some much needed sleep now! I can't wait until Josh is able to sleep more than 2-4 hours!

Jeanne said...

Sleepless nights seemed like an eternity, but you'll get there :) Who knows? Jenna may some day go back to her old ways again.