Friday, December 5, 2008


jenna has a high bilirubin count, possibly caused by jeanne's cholestasis, so we will need to up the feedings to every 1 1/2 to 2 hours. this is gonna make for a long weekend with little sleep, especially for jeanne. thankfully, her family will be around to help out... don't be offended if we turn away visitors this weekend... jeanne needs to make sure she takes advantage of her oppurtunities to sleep. you will all get a chance to meet jenna soon...


1 comment:

Chris Johnson said...

High bilirubin count? Is that like midichlorians? Maybe she's the Chosen One! ;-)

Congratulations!!! With that birth time, I thought it must have been natural after all. And no meds, too. Wow! Best wishes to all three of you.