Thursday, December 4, 2008

i'm hungry now

i like eating... i still like sleeping, but i like eating even more... i especially like to sleep while i'm eating! you are gonna have to keep me awake while i eat, because i love to fall asleep while feeding... i eat a lot, but so far, i don't poop very much at all... that's good news to my daddy, who i not very good at changing my diaper... the first time i pooped, he took off my diaper before i was done... i just kept pooping and pooping... it got all over the place... mommy had to clean me up... the nurses would like to see more poop... how weird is that?!?

this place i'm in is strange. i like to look all around and check it out... it is much bigger and there is much more stuff than my previous home. i can't wait to see my real home tomorrow...

hmm... i'm hungry, where's that boob?

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