Monday, December 8, 2008

i pooped!

i finally pooped today! this is the first time since i was one day old... i liked it... i think i'll do it again... and again... and again... and again...

it took some work though... here i am squeezing it out:

it reminded me of the first time i pooped in the hospital... it must have been mostly the stuff that i'd been eating before i was born... my daddy was so excited to do his first poopie daipie change, he quickly jumped up to me and swiftly removed it... he deftly balled it up to keep all the poopie in and used the tabs to seal it, and dropped it into the trash with a sky hook... i was so impressed, i pooped some more... a lot more... all over the place... silly daddy, i wasn't done yet! mommy had to step in and finish the job... hey, he tries, but clearly he doesn't know what he's doing... he'll learn...

1 comment:

Kathy said...

wow, she is the cutest pooper in the world!!