Friday, December 5, 2008

going home soon!


i'm going home soon! i'm tired of all the prodding and poking... so far, i've checked out healthy... i had a hearing test and passed... i don't have jaudice (yet, anyway)... i've lost a little weight, but that's normal... mom should be making some good milk soon, and i can't wait for that...

i'm amazed at all of the people so interested in me! i don't do very much! but i guess you all want to meet me anyway... that should be very interesting for me, too, so i'm looking forward to it as well... it's nice to have a big family, and lots of people who love me...

just be sure to be kind to my mommy... she isn't getting much rest, thanks to me! she's so nice, she would never speak up, but please respect her needs and wishes... hope to see you soon!

1 comment:

Abberation said...

Welcome to the Family Jenna!!!

We can't wait to see you!!!

Jon and Family