Wednesday, December 10, 2008

doctor's visit

we took jenna to see the doctor today for her first check up. she has lost 13 oz to drop to 6 lbs even which is a little more than the doctor would like to see. she suggested we supplement our breastfeeding with some formula a couple of times. she is a bit jaundiced which suggests her bilirubin count is still high... we'll try to feed her more often and hopefully more productively... jenna tends to fall asleep while feeding, so we'll have to try to put a stop to that... jeanne has been a trooper, but is getting a little sore...

here is a picture of me and my little sweetheart at the office:


Kathy said...

Maybe it's the hormones going crazy but seeing you as a dad got me all choked up...I'm so happy for you and Jeanne...

uncle Thach said...

Looking like a great dad already buddy! We're all a long way from Los Amigos huh? Left you a voicemail when I got back but will call you again.

Kytten said...

What a sweet picture! Btw... my mom said that my sis did the same as Jenna. She would eat suuuper slow and fall asleep and by the time she was done, it was time to eat again! Hang in there you two! It sounds like you're doing great!