Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Jenna gaining weight...

After a disappointing weigh-in last Friday in which Jenna did not gain any weight, she gained three ounces at her weigh-in on Monday... an ounce a day, which is normal...

she is killing jeanne now, though... we thought the time between feedings would get longer, but it seems to be getting shorter... jenna tends to fall asleep while feeding, so it takes a long time... then when we try to put her down to sleep, she almost immediately wakes up and screams for more milk! this goes on almost all day, with jeanne feeding almost hourly... jenna might sleep for more than 1 hour maybe twice a day, and for 3 hours max...

we were warned about this, so i guess i'm not gonna complain too much... but even with all the warnings (a.k.a advice), it's still a little more intense than i expected...

jeanne is hanging in there, i love her more now than ever, and more and more everyday...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Awww...that's so sweet!!! Congrats on your new bundle of joy guys!!! Hang in there! It'll get better!! Happy Holidays! You guys got the best present ever.